Donate us
Muvonde hospital is a welfare organisation which specialises in giving health care service products which ranges from preventive & promotive, education, curative, rehabilitative, diagnostic, corrective surgery. In order to do all these services the hospital uses the funds it gets from its clients and mostly from donations. Therefore anybody willing to partner Muvonde Hospital in giving such health care service to the Zimbabwean population can get in contact with the hospital on:
Telephone Number +263 772 162 858/9
E-mail address – [email protected] or [email protected]
We are always happy to receive
If you want to help us or donate, please contact us
Donor Community
We are proud to have the following partners in the discharge of quality health care to the Zimbabwean community
- UNDP/ HTF/ RBF – which is mostly into funding maternal and child health care services
- HOSPAZ which has been active in home based care and rehabilitative care services
- Global Fund which mainly focuses on AIDS and TB services
- Messerer which here and there focuses on infrastructural development and medical equipment acquisition
- "Help for Zimbabwe" focuses mainly on orphan care programme, assisting in acquiring important medical and surgical consumables, assisting in fleet management as well as assisting in retention of important human resource cadres.